A lot of clothing requires dry cleaning, especially business wear and items of clothing made out of high quality materials that can’t be laundered in a washing machine. While a dry cleaner offers a specific type of cleaning service, getting your clothes dry cleaned doesn’t have to be a hassle. More and more dry cleaners are offering dry cleaning delivery in order to make things simpler for their customers. If you have a dry cleaner in your area who offers dry cleaning delivery, it is a service worth checking out.…
Keeping your home’s windows clean can be a big job. It’s kind of like cutting the grass – it takes forever to get done, and in no time, it needs done again – annoying, right? Well, here, you’ll learn a few tips that can make keeping up with your windows a little easier.
Exterior Glass
If the exterior glass isn’t kept clean, the rain water that hits it will consume that residue and make things look much worse.…
When you operate a business, you want to make sure that your office space always reflects the work that you do. It should be neat, look professional, and be clean. If you don’t have a space that properly shows off your brand, it’s time to consider getting help. Hiring a commercial cleaning crew to take care of regular upkeep can greatly benefit your business. Here are five reasons why your company needs commercial cleaners.…
Having a fireplace in your restaurant can be a wonderful thing. After all, this can help you provide a nice ambiance for your customers and can help you keep your restaurant warm and cozy. If you have a fireplace in your restaurant, however, you do have to worry about things like making sure that your fireplace is properly taken care of. Luckily, if you work with a commercial chimney cleaning service, then you can enjoy a lot of benefits.…
Cleaning the outside of your house is very important. Just like anything else, over time your house will become dirtier and dirtier, and you will have to do something about it, or risk the exterior being permanently damaged. Here are some things that you need to know about pressure washing your house.
1. Know How Much Pressure
First of all, you need to consider what kinds of material you have on your house; this will help you to determine just how much pressure you need to wash the house.…
If you have pets in your home that have caused it to have a less-than-pleasant odor, then you want to do everything that you can to remove those bad smells. This article will offer you plenty of tips and advice that you can follow to get your home smelling more the way you want it.
Bathe your dog often – If you have dogs and you don’t bathe them often, then they will have an odor about them that will follow them around the house.…
Few things are more frightening than your parents dealing with a house fire. Now that they have made it out safe, you know that there is a lengthy process for cleaning up the damage before they can move back home. While fire damage cleaning does take time, you can streamline the restoration process by following these four steps.
Wait Until It Is Safe to Reenter the Residence
As much as you may be eager to get in and assess the damage, you must follow the advice of the emergency response team.…
If you have limestone tiles, or you plan to install them, it is essential knowing how to clean them. Limestone is a calcium carbonate made from shell fragments and marine bone to make a porous stone. Limestone is commonly durable, but it is still a soft stone that can stain or scratch. Follow these tips to clean limestone tiles.
Prepare to Clean Limestone Tiles
To clean limestone tiles, gather:
latex gloves microfiber cloth or dry mop broom sponge mop canister vacuum (optional) old toothbrush white flour pH neutral stone cleaner floor mats (optional) stone sealer Wipe the tiles with microfiber cloth, which should remove loose dirt and stuck debris.…
You may love your pet an awful lot, but you don’t like when they have accidents inside your house and pee somewhere, especially since that means they will keep going back to that place to pee. If you have tile or some other kind of hard floor, then you can easily clean up the urine. But what are you supposed to do when they pee on your bed, your couch, or your favorite reclining chair?…
Installing hardwood floors is a great way to increase the value of the home, update the look and make your home more timeless. There are many people who wonder if hardwood is right for them, and it is hard to answer that without considering multiple factors. There are lots of things that you should consider before you install hardwood flooring. Here are some things to know.
1. Pets Scratch The Floor…