A Few Ways To Keep The Kitchen Cleaner With Less Work
Your kitchen is a vital part of the home. You do much of your work there, your kids and friends hang out in it, and it's on the front lines of keeping your family healthy. But all that means the kitchen is one of the most challenging parts of the home to keep clean. How can you make the job easier? Here are a few easy tips.
Hire a Professional. Does your kitchen get only a cursory cleaning too often? Are you unable to keep ahead of the bigger cleaning tasks, like cleaning the oven or refrigerator? Then schedule a professional cleaning service like Henry's Janitorial Services to do some of the work you find challenging. Depending on your needs and your budget, you could opt for help once per week or just a deeper cleaning once per month or even seasonally.
Keep Tools Close. The easier it is to grab cleaning supplies and the other tools you need, the more likely they are to be used. Start by keeping a few basic kitchen cleaning supplies in the kitchen rather than in a utility room or other closet. If you have a large kitchen, you may want to put a supply caddy in more than one spot. Place one or two dedicated cleaning supplies right beside some of the most-used areas, like a small all-purpose cleaner by the stove top or disinfectant wipes in a decorated container right on the main prep counter.
Reduce Clutter. The less you have sitting around on surfaces in the kitchen, the easier it will be to keep it clean and sanitized. Assess what you actually need out on the counter rather than kept in a dedicated spot in drawers or cabinets. Conduct an experiment by moving an item, such as the blender or cutting boards, to a cabinet and tracking how often you really get it back out again. Consider using appliance covers, hanging items from walls, or using magnetic strips to place them on a vertical appliance surface instead.
Clean as You Go. Get into the habit of cleaning up as you work in the kitchen. Start with an empty sink and dishwasher before you begin cooking so that you can immediately clear dirty dishes as you use them. Clean up from each step in a recipe before moving on to the next step. And make sure your trash and recycling bins are large enough — and conveniently placed — to avoid creating an unnecessary mess with rubbish.
These four simple steps can make a world of difference in the kitchen by making cleaning easier and quicker so you can back to the serious job of enjoying this centerpiece of your home.